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Lists of conferences
On this website
Odborná konference: Inteligentní systémy pro praxi
Place: Hotel Technik - Lázně Bohdaneč
Date: 23 January 2007 — 24 January 2007
Submission date: expired (30 November 2006)
ISSPA 2007
International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications
Place: Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Date: 12 February 2007 — 15 February 2007
Submission date: expired (14 October 2006)
AIA 2007
The IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Place: Innsbruck, Austria
Date: 12 February 2007 — 14 February 2007
Submission date: expired (15 September 2006)
Znalosti 2008
Place: Bratislava
Date: 13 February 2007 — 15 February 2007
Submission date: expired (30 September 2007)
SPPRA 2007
The Fourth IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications
Place: Innsbruck, Austria
Date: 14 February 2007 — 16 February 2007
Submission date: expired (15 September 2006)
ARTEP 2007
Automatizácia a riadenie v teórii a praxi
Place: Stará Lesná, Slovensko
Date: 28 February 2007 — 2 March 2007
Submission date: expired (31 January 2007)
The Second IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Place: Chamonix, France
Date: 14 March 2007 — 16 March 2007
Submission date: expired (15 October 2006)
The 1st International Conference on Digital Communications and Computer Applications
Place: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, north of Jordan
Date: 19 March 2007 — 22 March 2007
Submission date: expired (1 November 2006)
LATA 2007
1st International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications
Place: Tarragona, Spain
Date: 29 March 2007 — 4 April 2007
Submission date: expired (7 December 2006)
SAFE 2007
Workshop on Signal Processing Applications for Public Security and Forensics
Place: Embassy Suites DC Convention Center, Washington D.C., USA
Date: 11 April 2007 — 13 April 2007
Submission date: expired (15 January 2007)
Place: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Date: 16 April 2007 — 20 April 2007
Submission date: expired (29 September 2006)
Human Language Technologies: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Place: Rochester, New York, USA
Date: 22 April 2007 — 28 April 2007
Submission date: expired (18 January 2007)
Radioelektronika 2007
17th International Conference Radioelektronika 2007
Place: Brno
Date: 24 April 2007 — 25 April 2007
Submission date: expired (28 February 2007)
The First International Conference on Immersive Telecommunications
Place: Bussolengo (Verona), Italy
Date: 3 May 2007 — 5 May 2007
Submission date: expired (10 January 2007)
MVA 2007
IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications
Place: Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
Date: 16 May 2007 — 18 May 2007
Submission date: expired (15 December 2006)
Place: Paris, France
Date: 22 May 2007 — 25 May 2007
Submission date: expired (15 January 2007)
PRIP 2007
Ninth International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing
Place: Minsk, Belarus
Date: 22 May 2007 — 24 May 2007
Submission date: expired (15 December 2006)
ICCC' 2007
8th International Carpathian Control Conference
Place: Hotel Patria, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovak Republic
Date: 24 May 2007 — 27 May 2007
Submission date: expired (30 January 2007)
The 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics
Place: Tartu, Estonia
Date: 25 May 2007 — 26 May 2007
Submission date: expired (19 January 2007)
RIAO 2007
Large-Scale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video and Sound)
Place: Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Date: 30 May 2007 — 1 June 2007
Submission date: expired (15 December 2006)
The 2007 Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
Place: Università di Trento, Italy
Date: 30 May 2007 — 1 June 2007
Submission date: expired (18 February 2007)
IbPRIA 2007
3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
Place: Girona, Spain
Date: 6 June 2007 — 8 June 2007
Submission date: expired (10 November 2006)
SCIA 2007
The 15th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis
Place: Aalborg, Denmark
Date: 10 June 2007 — 13 June 2007
Submission date: expired (1 December 2006)
NLPCS 2007
The 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science
Place: Funchal, Madeira - Portugal
Date: 12 June 2007 — 16 June 2007
Submission date: expired (5 March 2007)
ACL 2007
45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Place: Praha
Date: 23 June 2007 — 30 June 2007
Submission date: expired (23 January 2007)
The 2007 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
Place: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Date: 25 June 2007 — 28 June 2007
Submission date: expired (20 February 2007)
Place: Praha
Date: 25 June 2007 — 27 June 2007
Submission date: expired (23 January 2007)
Schwa(s) - 5th Nantes Conference in Linguistics (JEL'2007)
Place: Nantes University, Francie
Date: 27 June 2007 — 28 June 2007
Submission date: expired (8 January 2007)
4th Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms
Place: Brno
Date: 28 June 2007 — 30 July 2007
Submission date: expired (28 February 2007)
LaTeCH 2007
Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Date: 28 June 2007 — 28 June 2007
Submission date: expired (26 March 2007)
BSNLP 2007
Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing 2007
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Date: 29 June 2007 — 29 June 2007
Submission date: expired (9 April 2007)
ACL-2007 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Date: 29 June 2007 — 29 June 2007
Submission date: expired (26 March 2007)
DSP 2007
The 15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing
Place: Cardiff, Wales, UK
Date: 1 July 2007 — 4 July 2007
Submission date: expired (1 March 2007)
CIVR 2007
International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval
Place: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date: 9 July 2007 — 11 July 2007
Submission date: expired (5 February 2007)
CITSA 2007
The 5th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies
Place: Orlando, Florida, USA
Date: 12 July 2007 — 15 July 2007
Submission date: expired (8 March 2007)
CIAA 2007
12th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Date: 16 July 2007 — 18 July 2007
Submission date: expired (10 April 2007)
International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining
Place: Leipzig, Germany
Date: 20 July 2007 — 18 July 2007
Submission date: expired (9 January 2007)
5th International Summer School on Pattern Recognition
Place: Plymouth, UK
Date: 22 July 2007 — 27 July 2007
Submission date: expired (15 January 2007)
SIGIR 2007
The 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
Place: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date: 23 July 2007 — 27 July 2007
Submission date: expired (28 January 2007)
Odyssey 2008
The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop
Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa
Date: 23 July 2007 — 21 January 2008
Submission date: expired (25 January 2008)
CL 2007
Corpus Linguistics 2007
Place: University of Birmingham, UK
Date: 27 July 2007 — 30 July 2007
Submission date: expired (20 January 2007)
Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech
ACM SIGIR 2007 Workshop
Place: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date: 27 July 2007 — 27 July 2007
Submission date: expired (28 May 2007)
ICPhS 2007
The International Congress of Phonetic Sciences
Place: Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Date: 6 August 2007 — 10 August 2007
Submission date: expired (28 February 2007)
International workshop on Paralinguistic Speech - between models and data
Place: Saarbrücken, Germany
Date: 6 August 2007 — 10 August 2007
Submission date: expired (23 April 2007)
Conference on Language and Technology
Place: Bara Gali Summer Campus, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
Date: 7 August 2007 — 11 August 2007
Submission date: expired (9 April 2007)
The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration
Place: Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas, USA
Date: 13 August 2007 — 15 August 2007
Submission date: expired (25 March 2007)
6th ISCA Speech Synthesis Research Workshop
Place: Bonn, Germany
Date: 22 August 2007 — 24 August 2007
Submission date: expired (1 May 2007)
SSP 2007
The 2007 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing
Place: Monona Terrace Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin
Date: 26 August 2007 — 29 August 2007
Submission date: expired (1 April 2007)
Place: Antwerp, BELGIUM
Date: 27 August 2007 — 31 August 2007
Submission date: expired (27 March 2007)
The 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
Place: Vienna, Austria
Date: 27 August 2007 — 29 August 2007
Submission date: expired (30 March 2007)
MLSP 2007
Place: Thessaloniki, Greece
Date: 27 August 2007 — 29 August 2007
Submission date: expired (13 April 2007)
ASAI 2007
IX Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
Place: Mar del Plata, Argentina
Date: 27 August 2007 — 28 August 2006
Submission date: expired (30 April 2007)
IWCF 2007
Methods, Applications and Challenges in Computer-Assisted Criminal Investigations
Place: Manchester, United Kingdom
Date: 29 August 2007 — 31 August 2007
Submission date: expired (15 April 2007)
AVSP 2007
International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing 2007
Place: Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands
Date: 31 August 2007 — 3 September 2007
Submission date: expired (1 March 2007)
TSD 2007
10th International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE
Place: Plzeň
Date: 3 September 2007 — 7 September 2007
Submission date: expired (10 April 2007)
AVSS 2007
2007 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance
Place: London, United Kingdom
Date: 5 September 2007 — 7 September 2007
Submission date: expired (15 March 2007)
ICANN 2007
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
Place: Ipanema Park Hotel, Porto, Portugal
Date: 9 September 2007 — 13 September 2007
Submission date: expired (6 April 2007)
Second Workshop on Speech in Mobile and Pervasive Environments (in conjunction with ACM Mobile HCI 07)
Place: Singapore
Date: 9 September 2007 — 9 September 2007
Submission date: expired (1 July 2007)
ICIAP 2007
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing
Place: Modena, Italy
Date: 10 September 2007 — 13 September 2007
Submission date: expired (16 February 2007)
NSIP 2007
International Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing
Place: Bucharest , Romania
Date: 10 September 2007 — 12 September 2007
Submission date: expired (1 May 2007)
Biometrics Symposium 2007
Place: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Date: 11 September 2007 — 13 September 2007
Submission date: expired (22 April 2007)
SSIP '07
Place: Beijing, China
Date: 15 September 2007 — 17 September 2007
Submission date: expired (30 June 2007)
ICIP 2007
International Conference on Image Processing
Place: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Date: 16 September 2007 — 19 September 2007
Submission date: expired (19 January 2007)
Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics
Place: University of Melbourne, Australia
Date: 19 September 2007 — 21 September 2007
Submission date: expired (30 April 2007)
Speech Processing
17th Czech-German Workshop
Place: Prague
Date: 19 September 2007 — 21 September 2007
Submission date: expired (19 August 2007)
ICDAR 2007
The 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
Place: Curitiba, State of Parana, Brazil
Date: 23 September 2007 — 26 September 2007
Submission date: expired (15 January 2007)
Workshop on Computational Phonology
In conjunction with the 6th International Conference Recent Advances on Natural Language Processing RANLP-2007
Place: Borovets, Bulgaria
Date: 26 September 2007 — 26 September 2007
Submission date: expired (22 June 2007)
Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization
Workshop to be held in conjunction with RANLP 2007
Place: Borovets - Bulgaria
Date: 26 September 2007 — 26 September 2007
Submission date: expired (22 June 2007)
Place: SAMOKOV hotel, Borovets, Bulgaria
Date: 27 September 2007 — 29 September 2007
Submission date: expired (10 April 2007)
BTAS ‘07
Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems
Place: Doubletree Hotel Crystal City, Washington DC
Date: 27 September 2007 — 29 September 2007
Submission date: expired (15 May 2007)
A Workshop on Acquisition and Management of Multilingual Lexicons
In conjunction with RANLP-2007
Place: Borovetz, Bulgaria
Date: 30 September 2007 — 30 September 2007
Submission date: expired (6 July 2007)
2007 International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing
Place: Panorama Hotel, Chania, Crete, Greece
Date: 1 October 2007 — 3 October 2007
Submission date: expired (13 April 2007)
Workshop on Speech and Language Technology for Education
Place: The Summit Inn, Farmington, Pennsylvania, USA
Date: 1 October 2007 — 3 October 2007
Submission date: expired (8 May 2007)
Seventh International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation
Place: Tbilisi, Georgia
Date: 1 October 2007 — 5 October 2007
Submission date: expired (1 June 2007)
3rd Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics
Place: Poznan, Poland
Date: 5 October 2007 — 7 October 2007
Submission date: expired (4 June 2007)
2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Place: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Date: 7 October 2007 — 10 October 2007
Submission date: expired (16 March 2007)
The 12th International Conference on Speech and Computer
Place: Moscow, Russia
Date: 15 October 2007 — 18 October 2007
Submission date: expired (20 June 2007)
The IEEE 2007 Workshop on Signal Processing Systems
Place: The Eton Hotel, Shanghai, China
Date: 17 October 2007 — 19 October 2007
Submission date: expired (16 April 2007)
ICTIR 2007
1st International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval
Place: Budapest, Hungary
Date: 18 October 2007 — 20 October 2007
Submission date: expired (10 July 2007)
The 5th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems
Place: Wroclaw, Poland
Date: 22 October 2007 — 25 October 2007
Submission date: expired (13 May 2007)
IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
Place: Conference and Cultural Center of the University of Patras, Greece
Date: 29 October 2007 — 31 October 2007
Submission date: expired (11 June 2007)
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers
Place: Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, USA
Date: 4 November 2007 — 7 November 2007
Submission date: expired (1 June 2007)
INFuture2007: “Digital Information and Heritage”
1st International Conference The Future of Information Sciences (INFuture)
Place: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb
Date: 7 November 2007 — 9 November 2007
Submission date: expired (20 August 2007)
Place: Salamanca (Spain)
Date: 12 November 2007 — 13 November 2007
Submission date: expired (15 July 2007)
CIAPR 2007
12th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
Place: Viña del Mar / Valparaiso, Chile.
Date: 13 November 2007 — 16 November 2007
Submission date: expired (25 May 2007)
The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication
Place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date: 24 November 2007 — 27 November 2007
Submission date: expired (30 April 2007)
Robotics, Vision, Information, and Signal Processing
Place: Penang Island, Malaysia
Date: 27 November 2007 — 30 November 2007
Submission date: expired (15 June 2007)
Workshop on Text Mining and Applications
Place: Guimarães, Portugal
Date: 3 December 2007 — 7 December 2007
Submission date: expired (15 July 2007)
ASRU 2007
2007 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop
Place: Kyoto, Japan
Date: 9 December 2007 — 13 December 2007
Submission date: expired (16 July 2007)
ICICS 2007
The sixth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing
Place: Singapore
Date: 10 December 2007 — 13 December 2007
Submission date: expired (15 May 2007)
The Second International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-channel Sensor Array Processing
Place: Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort & Spa, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
Date: 12 December 2007 — 14 December 2007
Submission date: expired (20 June 2007)
SNLP 2007
The Seventh International Symposium on Natural Language Processing
Place: Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand
Date: 13 December 2007 — 15 December 2007
Submission date: expired (14 August 2007)
IEEE Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology
Place: Cairo, Egypt
Date: 15 December 2007 — 18 December 2007
Submission date: expired (1 July 2007)