Past Grants
Center of Computational Linguistics
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
Years:2000 - 2004
Center of Computational Linguistics
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
Years:2005 - 2011
Centre for Advanced Nuclear Technologies
CANUT defines the system for long term cooperation in RaDaI among research organizations and significant industrial companies participating in the project through partnership. The reason for CANUT project is building a strategic partnership among the members of the nuclear technologies consortium, where participants are internationally respected research institutes and industrial companies with a long term tradition. These technologies belong to the key and prestigious RaD topics in the world.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Investor: TAČR - Centra Kompetence TE01020455
Years:2012 - 2019
Centrum výzkumu kybernetických systémů
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
Years:2006 - 2006
Data - Algorithms - Decision
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Šimandl Miroslav, CSc.
MŠMT 1M679855601
Years:2005 - 2011
Advanced sensors and sensor data processing methods
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Straka Ondřej, Ph.D.
TAČR - Centra Kompetence TE02000202
Years:2014 - 2019
Numerical metod of optimal control system design
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Years:2001 - 2003
Czech Broadcast News Corpus
Joint-project with Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
NSF (USA) No. IIS-9820687, Agr. 8004-48231
Years:2000 - 2000
Speech recognition of a Slavic Language: Czech
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
Years:1998 - 2001
Transcriptions and Annotation of Czech Broadcast News
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
NSF(USA) No. IIS-9820687, Agr. 8004-48231
Years:2000 - 2000
Voice of America (VOA) Broadcast News Transcript Corpus
Joint-project with Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
NSF (USA) No. IIS-9820687, Agr. 8907-48185
Years:1999 - 1999
Automatická analýza spontánní řeči v rozsáhlých archivech audionahrávek
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
MŠMT 1P05ME786
Years:2006 - 2006
Automatic voice banking and reconstruction for patients after total laryngectomy
The main objective of the project is to develop a system enabling fully automated voice conservation (voice banking), with focus on patients with a total laryngectomy diagnosis. The system will be based on the efficient integration of a subsystem for automatic (unsupervised) recording of a patient’s original voice, of a subsystem for fully automated voice reconstruction from the recordings using a personalized speech synthesizer, and of a methodology for optimal incorporation of the voice conservation process into the treatment of ENT patients.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
Investor: TA ČR, TH02010307
Years:2017 - 2020
Automatic Reading of Educational texts for Vision Impaired Students
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
MŠMT CZ.1.07/1.2.00/08.0021
Years:2009 - 2012
Automatic prosody generation in text-to-speech systems
Coordinator: Ing. Mgr. Romportl Jan, Ph.D.
FRVŠ 1521/2006/G1
Years:2006 - 2006
Automatické vyhledávání klíčových slov v proudu zvukových dat
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
GA AV ČR 1QS101470516
Years:2005 - 2009
Center for Large Scale Multi-modal Data Interpretation
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
GAČR GBP103/12/G084
Years:2012 - 2018
Center of Development, Production and Service of Special Equipment for Nuclear Energetics and Chemical Industry
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
MPO č. FB-C3/12
Years:2000 - 2000
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
EU - Evropská komise (EC)
Years:2006 - 2010
The Czech Car Speech Corpus for TEMIC SDS, GmbH
Czech speakers recorded in Car with several driving conditions; recordings annotation. Collaboration with Czech Technical University in Prague (Doc. Ing. Pollák, CSc. - head of the whole project), Technical University in Brno (Doc. Dr. Ing. Jan Černocký).
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
TEMIC Speech Dialog Systems, GmbH., Germany
Years:2004 - 2005
DIMAS-CZ Development of integral multimodal assistive system
The project concerns development of multimodal assistive system for human-computer communication. By assistive system here it is meant a system that helps user with communication with computer and that uses communication means usual for communication between humans.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Železný Miloš, Ph.D.
Years:2008 - 2012
Dynamický výběr nejlepší posloupnosti kandidátů v obecné úloze syntézy řeči z textu
Coordinator: Ing. Tihelka Daniel, Ph.D.
GAČR 102/06/P205
Years:2006 - 2008
Effective Methods for Nonlinear Parameter Estimation Tracking
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Šimandl Miroslav, CSc.
GAČR 102/94/0314
Years:1994 - 1996
Elimination of the language barriers faced by the handicapped watchers of the Czech Television
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
MŠMT 2C06020
Years:2006 - 2011
Elimination of the language barriers faced by the handicapped watchers of the Czech Television II
The goal of the project is to develop and test for the Czech television a set of SW prototypes and technologies aimed at the elimination of the language barriers that limit the hearing impaired viewers.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
Investor: TA ČR TA01011264
Years:2011 - 2016
Embedded systems Service-based Control for Open manufacturing and Process automation (E-SCOP)
E-SCOP project aims to overcome the current drawbacks for the shop floor control level (i.e. MES and deterministic / real-time control), thus improving the state of the art of the overall production control system architecture. This goal is achieved by introducing an innovative approach based on the combination of 3 different pillars, namely: i) embedded systems, ii) ontology-based knowledge management and iii) serviceoriented architecture. The approach is called Open, Knowledge‐Driven Manufacturing Execution System (OKD‐MES).
Coordinator: Ing. Balda Pavel, Ph.D.
Investor: EU - ARTEMIS-2012-1
Years:2013 - 2016
Speech Technologies in Support of an Information Society
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
GAČR 102/02/0124
Years:2002 - 2004
Identification of Nonstationary Systems
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Šimandl Miroslav, CSc.
GAČR 102/97/0466
Years:1997 - 1999
Intelligent Electronic Record of the Operation and Vehicle Performance
The goal of the project is to design and implement a system that will substitute the need for the manually created record of data concerning the operation and performance of vehicles and machinery by allowing
direct creation of a digital record. The implemented solution should eliminate the operator errors to a maximum possible degree and, at the same time, it should not reduce the information content of the record (and, consequently, its usability).
Coordinator: Doc. Dr. Ing. Radová Vlasta
Investor: TA ČR TA04031301
Years:2014 - 2017
Inteligentní metody strojového vnímání a porozumění
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
Years:2010 - 2010
Intelligent technologies for improving air traffic security
The goal of the project is to develop and test in experimental mode a complex system for intelligent communication between air traffic controllers and automatic (computer-operated) pseudo-pilot. This system, being the results of intensive basic and applied research, is meant to enhance the ATM and ATC software systems developed by CS Soft, a.s. The outcomes of the project will not only bring a profit to CS Soft from increased sales of their top product - they will indirectly affect all the air transport participants, including the passengers themselves. High-quality, objective and sophisticated courses using the simulators employing intelligent communication between (human) air traffic controller and computer pseudo-pilot will increase the professionalism of trained controllers and thus this new technology will undoubtedly contribute to the improved overall air traffic security.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
TA ČR TA01030476
Years:2011 - 2015
Combining phonetic and corpus-based approaches to remedy disruptive effects in synthetic speech
The project builds upon our previous activities in the field of computer speech processing and aims at basic research into speech synthesis. The key idea in the proposed project is to confront phonetic knowledge of the characteristics of natural speech with the characteristics present in synthetic speech and to exploit the acquired know-how to remedy disruptive effects in synthetic speech and to enhance the performance of corpus-based speech-synthesis techniques. Emphasis will be placed on a thorough analysis of contemporary problems perceived in synthetic speech, identification of relevant phonetic parameters crucial for the quality of synthetic speech and the use of such phonetically justified patterns to drive the latest corpus-based speech synthesis techniques. Special attention will be given to automatic prediction of synthesis errors and to the corresponding signal modification/generation.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
Investor: GA ČR, GA16-04420S
Years:2016 - 2018
Consistent Fusion in Networked Estimation Systems
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Šimandl Miroslav, CSc.
GAČR P103 13-07058J
Years:2013 - 2015
MALACH: Multilingual Access to Large Spoken Archives
Joint-project with Visual History Foundation, Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, University of Maryland in Washington, IBM and MFF UK in Prague.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
Investor: NSF(USA) Project #0122466
Years:2000 - 2006
MATEO / Industrial Controllers
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Years:2006 - 2007
MATEO / Mechatronic centre
Coordinator: Ing. Sobota Jaroslav, Ph.D.
Years:2006 - 2007
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Years:2009 - 2013
Mechatronics based Rehabilitation at Home (MRH)
The main aim of the project is mechatronics-based rehabilitation equipment designed for use by patients at home under remote supervision by therapists and medical specialists. The therapeutic excersises can be monitored and adjusted remotely according to the patient's skills. This allows to reduce the number of repetitive visits to or from therapists.
Coordinator: Ing. Sobota Jaroslav, Ph.D.
INTERREG IVC - Innovation 4 Welfare (I4W)
Years:2010 - 2011
Metody a algoritmy automatického nastavování průmyslových regulátorů a jejich implementace do řídicího systému ZAT – Plant Suite MP
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
MPO FI-IM3/056
Years:2006 - 2008
Multimodal Human Sign Language and Speech Processing for Man-Machine Communication
The project object is to support audio speech recognition systems with visual recognition and apply information retrieval method on the recognition results. Multimodal audio-visual recognition is employed in the task of sign language recognition and used
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
GA AV ČR 1ET101470416
Years:2004 - 2008
Procedure Proposal for Automatic Tagging of Speaker Changes in Dialogue
Coordinator: Doc. Dr. Ing. Radová Vlasta
FRVŠ 2286/2003
Years:2003 - 2003
Robust design of low-order controllers for a new class of fractional-order systems
Automatic design and tuning of process controllers is still one of the top control theory research lines which is stimulated by thousands of practical applications. The aim of the project is a research and development of new integral technique covering both process identification and robust design of low-order controllers and compensators. The novel approach is based on experimental data combined with a special form of a priori information about the class of candidate process models where also fractional-order systems are assumed. The proposed class covers all typical process models even including dead-time. In addition, it is suitable for approximation of transcendent transfer functions obtained from the equations describing distributed parameter systems. The resulting method will be used for development of particular low-order controllers providing the autotuning feature (pulse PID autotuner, relay PID autotuner, fractional-order PID controller, Nyquist plot shaping filter). Moreover, all prototype algorithms will be packed into advanced function blocks tailored for both simulation and real-time platform. Finally, the most promising results will be presented in the form of Internet virtual laboratories.
Coordinator: Ing. Čech Martin, Ph.D.
Investor: GAČR - Postdoc GPP103/10/P208
Years:2010 - 2012
Nonlinear Estimation and Change Detection for Stochastic Systems
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Šimandl Miroslav, CSc.
GAČR 102/01/0021
Years:2001 - 2003
New robotic remotely controlled technology for diagnostics and repair of submerged devices
The project deals with RaD of new robotic device for the diagnostic purposes of submerged industrial technologies or inner spaces of tanks with slow flowing liquid. The project aims to create a small modular submersible robotic device. The device will work in manual mode (ROV) with a possibility to be switched to automatic mode (AUV) during diagnostic operations. Additionally the project aims to develop an ultrasonic nondestructive testing module which can be attached to the modular platform.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Investor: TAČR - ALFA TA01020414
Years:2012 - 2016
New methods for monitoring, assessment and optimization of control loop performance and their implementation into the ZAT Plant Suite control system
The project aims at RaD and implementation of new methods for automatic monitoring, assessment and refinement of industrial controllers performance to improve quality and security of production and material and energy savings. Special focus will be given to 1) determining the theoretical bounds of control loop performance and comparison with the actual one 2) diagnostics of control loop components 3) automatic tuning of in-loop controllers 4) localization of control loop disturbance sources
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Investor: TAČR - ALFA TA01020152
Years:2012 - 2014
New Innovative Methods for High-Quality Synthesis of Czech Speech
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
GAČR 102/09/0989
Years:2009 - 2011
Nové směry ve výzkumu a využití hlasových technologií
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
GAČR 102/05/0278
Years:2005 - 2007
Nový exaktní přístup k automatickému nastavování průmyslových regulátorů
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
GAČR 102/02/0425
Years:2002 - 2004
A Novel Approach to Computer Speech Synthesis Using Markov Models
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
FRVŠ 451/2000/G1
Years:2000 - 2000
Parameter estimation and structure optimization of multilayer perceptron networks in nonlinear system identification
Coordinator: Ing. Hering Pavel, Ph.D.
Years:2006 - 2008
Fully Trainable Deep Neural Network Based Czech Text-to-Speech Synthesis
The project builds upon our previous activities in the field of computer speech processing and aims at basic research into speech synthesis. Its main goal is to propose a unified fully trainable statistical framework for generating speech from text, with the focus on the Czech language. The main focus will be given on WaveNet, a powerful convolutional deep neural network for generating high-quality speech in a sample-by-sample manner. Partial goals of the proposed project concern the selection and statistical modeling of appropriate linguistic and prosodic features and a way WaveNet is conditioned by these features. The fully trainable framework will allow creating new TTS voices quickly and, being a generative model, it will also allow changing speaker identity and speaking style. Firstly, the traditional concept often used in text-to-speech synthesis, in which phonetic and prosodic properties of speech are used as an intermediate representation between the input text and output speech, will be followed—linguistic (phonetic) and prosodic contexts will be modeled separately by different deep neural networks. The outputs of these networks will then be applied at the input of another deep neural network, WaveNet. Secondly, a fully trainable end-to-end system that will map input text directly to output speech without a need to use the explicit phonetic and/or prosodic representation will be proposed.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
Investor: GAČR GA19-19324S
Years:2019 - 2022
Advanced algorithms of the industrial feedback and sequential control and their implementation to the ZAT-Plant Suite MP control system
The project is focused on research and development of innovative advanced control algorithms (feedback control, sequential control, optimization) suitable for the design of sophisticated control systems of technological processes and machines and the integration of such algorithms to existing ZAT - Plant Suite MP control system developed by ZAT a.s. The project goal corresponds with the current requirements of the industrial practice, where the complexity of the controlled systems is ever-growing as well as the requirements on costs optimization and production quality. The tools for industrial automation will be enhanced by universal sliding mode controller, fuzzy controller and predictive controller. The newly integrated controllers will allow configuration of complex hierarchical control strategies with built-in optimization and self-tuning capabilities. A new module for sequential control based on the SFC programming language will be added to existing tools for sequential control.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Investor: MPO - Impulse FI-IM5/030
Years:2008 - 2010
Advanced motion control system for robotic and mechatronic applications
The goal of the project is research and development of advanced control system for motion control of machines, manipulators and robots. The new system will contain advanced functions for automatic controller tuning, residual vibrations damping and special smooth spatial trajectory interpolation. The functionality of the system will be evaluated on a pilot application of prototype machine-tool for radial cam grinding with use of special hardened materials.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Investor: TAČR - ALFA TA01020247
Years:2012 - 2015
Language handicap elimination for hearing-impaired students via automatic language processing
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
MŠMT CZ.1.07/2.2.00/07.0189
Years:2009 - 2012
Programový systém pro inteligentní řízení mechatronických soustav na bázi IPC a jeho aplikace na řízení textilních strojů
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
MPO č. FB-K3/081
Years:2003 - 2005
Prosodic Phrase in Current Spoken Czech: Meaning, Balance, Stochastic Patterns
The project will provide multifaceted description of prosodic phrasing in spoken Czech with regard to news reading, artistic narratives and spontaneous dialogues. The acoustic domain will comprise dimensions of time, amplitude, fundamental frequency and spectrum with the aim to translate the ascertained cues and patterns into phonetic/phonological categories. Further phonetic description will consider material balancing or symmetry derived mainly from syllable counts, numbers and distributions of lexical stresses and actual accents. Crucially, the linguistic domain will encompass syntactic and semantic analyses of an extensive corpus of spoken texts aided by semi-automatic parsing. The weight of individual factors will be tested in perceptual monitoring experiments with latency measurements and in computational modelling.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
Investor: GAČR 21-14758S
Years:2021 - 2023
Překlenutí jazykové bariéry komplikující vyšetřování financování terorismu a závažné finanční kriminality
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky VD20072010B160
Years:2007 - 2010
Data Preparation for Dialog Design with Czech Speech Recognition
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
FRVŠ 966/2002
Years:2002 - 2002
The Corpus for Continuous Speech Recognition in Czech
Coordinator: Doc. Dr. Ing. Radová Vlasta
GAČR 102/98/P085
Years:1998 - 2000
Position, Attitude & Heading Reference System
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Šimandl Miroslav, CSc.
TAČR TA03030674
Years:2013 - 2015
Rozpoznávání mluvené řeči v reálných podmínkách
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
GAČR 102/08/0707
Years:2008 - 2011
Special Tools to Support Education of Vision-impaired Pupils
The aim of the project SAMOČET CZ.1.07/1.2.31/02.0019 is extension of education of children with special needs (SEN) and increasing skills of SEN coordinators and parents. Project activities are linked to the project ARET CZ.1.07/1.2.00/08.0021 The project ARET was a pilot project for automatic reading of teaching material (AČUP) in Mathematics and Physics. The project SAMOČET expands educational opportunities of visually impaired students, plans to create new tools for the automatic reading other specific subjects (German, English, Czech language, Chemistry, Biology, Work-skill teachings) and merges existing and new tools to a general system for teaching childern at the elementary schools. Trained teachers of the project partner school ensure the creation of new AČUPs. The project also aims to increase parents' awareness about new system so that they can encourage children to actively use the system SAMOČET during homework.
Examples of AČUP are available on pages Project is co-funded by the European Social Fund and the State Budget of the Czech Republic.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
Investor: MŠMT CZ.1.07/1.2.31/02.0019
Years:2013 - 2015
Feasible Approximations of Dual Control Strategies
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Šimandl Miroslav, CSc.
GAČR 102/08/0442
Years:2008 - 2011
Statistical Approach to the Automatic Creation of a Speech Unit Database for the Synthesis of Czech
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
GAČR 102/02/P134
Years:2002 - 2004
System for permanent preservation of documentation and presentation of historical sources from the period of totalitarian regimes
The main objective of the project is the research and development of software tools for archiving and providing access to the historical resources gathered within the documentary mission of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes. Consortium: The University of West Bohemia (coordinator), Charles University in Prague and The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
Investor: NAKI-II, DG16P02B048
Years:2016 - 2019
Theoretical Background of Integrated Process Control and Optimization
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Šimandl Miroslav, CSc.
GAČR 102/05/2075
Years:2005 - 2007
Theory and Application of Speech Communication in Czech
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
GAČR 102/96/K087
Years:1996 - 2001
Universal learning design - innovation in interpreting and communication services
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
MŠMT CZ.1.07/2.2.00/07.0133
Years:2009 - 2012
Univerzální prediktivní regulátor pro řízení průmyslových procesů
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
MPO FI-IM3/037
Years:2006 - 2008
Vícejazyčná automatická detekce strukturálních událostí v mluvené řeči
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Psutka Josef, CSc.
Years:2007 - 2009
Visual Synthesis of Czech Using the Method of Parametric Model as a Supplement of Speech Synthesizer
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Železný Miloš, Ph.D.
GAČR 102/03/0650
Years:2003 - 2005
Using a multimedia monolingual dictionary for modern teaching of Czech
The goal of the project is fundamental qualitative innovation of the on-line Dictionary of current Czech using audio and pictorial information and new functionalities aiming at internalization of its use by learners of Czech (even as a second language) as well as by the public and sensorially handicapped. It will consist in:
1. preparing audio for the headwords and 2 synthetic voices to be used in reading explanations and examples in modalities for: regular speakers, foreign learners, the visually handicapped and hearing-impaired
2. morphological and thematic classification of headwords
3. creating a classified usage notes database
4. pictorial material integration
5. creating a tool for learning material preparation for pupils and secondary school students
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
Investor: TAČR TL05000546
Years:2021 - 2023
Transformers of multiple modalities for more natural spoken dialog
The goal of the project is the research of more natural spoken dialog systems based on the Transformer framework. Since Transformers could be used in sequence-to-sequence scenarios, their use in natural language understanding and natural language generation is common. We would like to focus on the cases where the input or output of a neural network is speech. To convert speech into semantic representation or dialog intents we will be using the speech recognizer as a black-box but we plan to develop methods and approaches to process speech lattices in the general Transformer or recurrent neural networks. The inverse process of generating speech from intents will employ the pre-trained Transformer models for language generation and the recent DNN-based speech synthesis architectures. The dialog management will use the attention neural mechanisms to keep track of the dialog state and to generate consistent prompts in an informal or conversational style. The challenging task of speech synthesis using the given speech style will be backed by the recorded corpus of conversational speech.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Matoušek Jindřich, Ph.D.
Investor: GAČR GA22-27800S
Years:2022 - 2024
Vývoj obecné metodiky a CAE systému pro podporu projektování a správy kabelových systémů (I&C. Energo, a.s.)
Coordinator: Ing. Hajšman Václav, Ph.D.
MPO FI-IM3/173
Years:2006 - 2008
Research and development of automatic system for active operating of supporting steady used for crank-schaft balancing during machining
Project is aimed at research and development of automatic system for active operating of supporting steady used for crank-schaft balancing during machining.The proposed solution is unique, which still has not been used on the global market in practise.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Investor: MPO - TIP FR-TI1/522
Years:2009 - 2012
Research and development of an information system for decision making in the area of reliability and service maintenance optimization of steam turbines and selected equipment of power turbine halls
The aim of project is model and method research and development of information system prototype of sophisticated effective control and planning benefit in steam turbine and turbine halls selected equipment service maintenance area. It will be created the complex database, simulation and computational tool for planning and maintenance, logistic and service costs effective needs estimation. This system will be used as the subsidiary help for maintenance cost reduction and high-level reliability and availability obtainment especially for new reconstructed machines, and for other recently established service maintenance by Škoda Power a.s. assurance. New assortment of provided service establishment will be a big benefit for expansion and improving the quality of product scale, which Škoda Power a.s. tenders as inland that abroad in energy turbine halls area.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Janeček Eduard, CSc.
MPO FR-TI1/258
Years:2009 - 2013
Research and development of methods and tools supporting safe integration of renewable energy sources to the electric power system of the Czech Republic
The aim of the project is to provide the support for safe integration of renewable energy sources (in the
form of software tools and studies), actually by the year 2020 because of the contract period between CR
and EU. This problem is topical for the period of potential massive photovoltaic sources installation.
Departments submitting this project have been in the last year involved in mentioned process relevantly but
not systematically. It is important to systematically integrate the research and development capacities into
this highly difficult process. The results of this project will be usable by transmission and distribution grid
operators, by energy regulatory office or by members of public administration connected with power system
of CR. These can be also economically significantly evaluated in countries that will be in the process of
integration of RES into the electrical systems under similar conditions as the CR.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Janeček Eduard, CSc.
TA ČR TA01020865
Years:2011 - 2015
Research and development of the modular robotic manipulator for grease and paint removing lines
The goal of the research and development work is the creation of the universal modular multi-axis robotic manipulator for grease and paint removing lines. Firstly, the design of mechanical construction of the robot will be made. The next goal is the research and development of the advanced algorithms for motion control of robotic manipulators. There are various particular problems to be solved, especially time-optimal trajectory tracking, multi-axis synchronization, optimization of manipulation steps sequence or attenuation of the residual vibrations. The developed algorithms will be integrated into function blocks library of the Matlab/Simulink control system and the selected real-time control system. Further, they will be implemented on a chosen hardware platform. The prototype manipulator will be built for practical testing and system tuning.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Investor: MPO - TIP FR-TI1/174
Years:2009 - 2011
Research and development of advanced motion control system for scene and stage technology
The aim of the project is the development of new stage and scene control system. Significant part of the project consists of research, development and implementation of new advanced algorithms (time-optimal one-dimensional motion with constraints, 3-D motion with constraints, smooth trajectory junction, damping of residual vibrations of elastic mechanical systems, detection of abrupt changes of the drive load). The algorithms will be accomplished by graphical design and configuration tools suitable for realization and innovation of large stage and scene control systems. The whole set of SW and HW components will be integrated into new control system ZAT SMC (Stage Motion Control).
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Investor: MPO - TIP FR-TI1/077
Years:2009 - 2011
Research and development of advanced IT technologies for support of bone marrow donor searching for transplantation
The project aim is to develop a complex system for selecting a suitable donor for bone marrow transplantation with using the advanced search based on available knowledge and proposed methods. It is necessary to analyze the issues related to data sources and genetic diversity for subsequent use in the development of concept for finding matched donors. Then, based on specified functionalities and analysis will be created the algorithms and verified the methods of the concept and upgrade the algorithm of the MAC and evaluation functions relating to the patient diagnosis. This step will be followed by a prototype of the target software and finally will be implemented the applications for individual users, including verification and operation testing. During the entire project will be upgraded and expanded support systems and due to the future commercial application will be created the Testing Center.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Janeček Eduard, CSc.
TA ČR TA01010342
Years:2011 - 2014
Research and Development of Advanced Test Systems for Automotive Industry
The aim of the project is the development of tools suitable for effective building of test systems for automotive industry. These tools are focused on three main areas. The first area is research, development and implementation of advanced control algorithms of mechatronic systems to the selected target environments (Matlab-Simulink, LabVIEW, dSpace, REX). The second area consists of the development of hardware-in-the-loop simulation environment for Linux and Phar Lap ETS operating systems. The third area is the design of a robotic manipulator dedicated for the specified class of test systems. The results obtained will be verified on the prototype of the selected test stand by ZF.
Coordinator: Ing. Balda Pavel, Ph.D.
Investor: MPO - TIP FR-TI1/394
Years:2009 - 2012
Research and developement of a diagnostic system for rubbing detection and localization in steam turbines
The aim of the project is to develop a diagnostic prototype for rubbing detection and localization in steam turbines. This system will be used for detection of a phenomenon = rotor - stator contact. This phenomenon is partly characteristic in excessive abrasion of parts that are in contact and partly in extra heat strain that subsequently affects dynamic properties of rotating parts. The developed diagnostic system will be addressed to the manufacturer of steam turbines ŠKODA POWER a.s. Implementation of the system will provide a great contribution in safety and reliability increase of already installed as well as in future produced and delivered turbines of the company ŠKODA POWER a.s. in terms of both the Czech Republic and abroad.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Janeček Eduard, CSc.
MPO FR-TI1/196
Years:2009 - 2012
Research and development of control system for embedded control based on novel high-performance microcontrollers
New control units of the MIKROKLIMA company and an appropriate control system will be developed. The developed SW and HW will be among the first ones to allow complete Rapid Application Development for microcontrollers with integrated peripherals. Graphical development environment will be available for comfortable programming and diagnostics of the control units. Simultaneously, new advanced control algorithms focused on energy-efficient control of HVAC systems will be developed.
Coordinator: Ing. Balda Pavel, Ph.D.
Investor: TAČR - ALFA TA01020379
Years:2012 - 2014
Research and developement of "Wide Area Monitoring" system for distribution energy companies
The subject of the project is to develop the Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) for distribution networks. The system will be used for enhancement of reliability and improvement of safe control of the distribution networks. Another aim is to investigate the possibilities of usage of WAMS technical solutions and functions for future Smart Grid. The WAM system is based on synchronous measurements of phasors using quick sampling with the addition of measurements from another sources. Measurements of voltage and current synchrophasors will be installed in selected places of distribution network within the framework of the developed enhance functions of the system will be verified. The enhance functions are focused to dynamic state estimation of distribution network with planned response of 1s and to on-line parameter identification of the network components. These functions can be used to optimize the system configuration with regards to minimize loss and to maintain system stability.
Coordinator: Doc. Ing. Janeček Eduard, CSc.
MPO FR-TI1/462
Years:2009 - 2012
Research, development and evaluation of a new technology for modern weld diagnostics in nuclear power plants
The main project goal is the R&D of a new technology for ultrasonic testing of pipeline welds in nuclear power plants and its validation on a set of test blocks with manufactured artificial defects. The key component will be a new universal manipulator for routine employment, executing the ultrasonic diagnostics of all the common weld types using the progressive PA (phased array) method. The universality will be taken into account during construction design. Moreover, the individual components of the manipulator (PLCOpen-based control system, tactile sensors-based manual guidance unit for the end effector) will be universal and adaptable for various robotic platforms. The project concept supposes that a ready-to-sell product will be available at its end. The verified technology will be offered also to 3rd parties as a standalone unit making the welds diagnostics faster and easier. The developed product will be globally competitive mainly through its universality, quality and simple usage.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Schlegel Miloš, CSc.
Investor: TAČR - ALFA TA01020457
Years:2011 - 2014
An improvement of control and animation in the task of synthesis of signed speech from text
This POST-DOC project deals with research on the methods improving the Czech signed speech synthesis system.
Coordinator: Ing. Krňoul Zdeněk, Ph.D.
GAČR 102/09/P609
Years:2009 - 2011
Access to a Lingustically Structured Database of Enquiries from the Language Consulting Centre
The main goal of the project is publishing the unique data from queries the Language Consulting Centre of the Czech Language Institute of the ASCR dealt with in a new, user-friendly language query software database. Consortium: Institute of the Czech Language ASCR (coordinator) and The University of West Bohemia.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
Investor: NAKI-II, DG16P02B009
Years:2016 - 2019
ASR- and MT-based Access to a Large Archive of Cultural Heritage (AMALACH)
The objective of the project is build software tools for end-user access to a large videoarchive of Holocaust survivors testimonies. This archive, created in the 1990s and currently maintained by the Visual History Institute (Shoa Foundation Institute) at the University of Southern California (USC, The archive is currently accessible only at the MFF UK building in Prague and two more places in Europee. It contains more than 110 thousand hours of interview in 32 languages, about half of them in English. There are about 1,000 hours of testimonies recorded in Czech. Searching such a large videoarchive is thus very difficult without proper search software. At present, thesaurus-only keyword search based on sparse, manually created index is possible. The situation is even worse for non-English testimonies, such as those recorded in Czech. Our goal is thus to combine and apply advanced continuous speech recognition, speech retrieval and machine translation methods to allow for a precise, fast and targeted search in the USC archive s (at least) Czech and English testimonies, in a cross-lingual manner; Slovak (another 1000 hours) will be added if possible. The cross-lingual capability over the English testimonies will make it possible for Czech users to access in a unified way the additional 4000 testimonies given by Czechs but recorded in English, and there are another 12 thousand where the Czech territory, historical events related to former Czechoslovakia and people from the region are mentioned.
Coordinator: Prof. Ing. Müller Luděk, Ph.D.
Investor: MK DF12P01OVV022
Years:2012 - 2015